Spalding's St Mary and St Nicolas Hall is no longer considered fit for purpose.

Major refurbishment for Spalding church hall looks likely option

A refurbishment of Spalding’s St Nicolas Church Hall now looks more likely than a rebuild.

Both options have been considered as a way of improving the facility in The Vista. However, cost and possible grant funding routes make a redevelopment the favoured option.

The hall costs £11,000 per year to run and is losing money. Bookings have suffered because it’s in need of modernisation and considered too large.
The Parochial Church Council was given a presentation by Darren Brooker, of Focus Consultants, which is experienced in projects of this kind and securing grant funding. He outlined options for a major refurbishment of the existing building.

The Rev John Bennett, of St Mary and St Nicolas Parish Church, said: “Mr Brooker advised the PCC that this would be not only more affordable than demolishing the hall and starting again, but also that improvements to an existing building could attract grant funding that would not be available for a new building.

“Focus took detailed measurements of the building in July and Mr Brooker showed some floor plans indicating how the internal space could be used more effectively.”

The PCC will make a decision on Monday on whether to adopt the proposal and ask Focus to produce a design for the refurbishment and a clearer indication of likely costs.

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