LETTERS – We should sever links with China

I am writing to you regarding the virus COVID-19.

As we are all aware, the people of this country are doing their utmost to follow all the rules in order to prevent a second wave.

This situation is now affecting young people, which they do not deserve.

Their future education and lives, employment etc, could be wrecked by this virus if we don’t act and get to grips with this situation.

Firstly, we should, as a country (United Kingdom), sever all links with China and sue them 100 per cent for what they have done through their hygiene and negligence, not only to the UK, but the rest of the world too.

China should pay for the disease which originated from their slovenly way they live!

Secondly, the media in the UK are having a field day, in making this virus so dramatic with their coverage – TV, news, newspapers, etc, and are intent on making the situation worse! They should be stopped.

Thirdly and finally, we should close the borders immediately.

This is our country and we Brits are king here.

A copy of this letter has gone to the Prime Minister.

Julia Fairman

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