LETTERS – Stand up and be heard John

Richard Davies, county councillor, comments in the recent local papers “Our roads just don’t register in the ivory towers of Westminster” regarding the condition of South Holland’s roads.

It seems he’s also lost faith in local Conservative MP Sir John Hayes.

There’s no support in helping towards or putting his position behind the ongoing problems of our district roads.

Sir John’s response is that he’s requested a meeting with Baroness Charlotte Vere, Under Secretary for Department of Transport, Sir John, instead of toeing the party line in every vote, make a stand!
Stand up, make yourself heard in Parliament. Bring anyone in one of those ivory towers down to the B1166 Hulls Drove, the escape route out of Whaplode Drove.

Make them listen, don’t hide behind your 19K voters, support them.

Campaign, help Mr Davies, he seems to be, crying out for your help as MP. We demand better roads, infrastructure and support.

I do hope there’s not another response from someone living in Cornwall supporting Sir John!

David Barfoot
Shepeau Stow

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