LETTERS – Beg to differ over lockdown

With all due respect to the eminent medical experts and the received wisdom leading to the imposition of the lockdown, I must beg to differ.

The Prime Minister has been bounced into this action by a vocal minority and following the herd instincts of a number of other countries.

The present spike was expected following the return to school and colleges by the students and school children.

In view of which, the case for letting the students back to schools and colleges whilst locking down the rest of the population makes no sense whatsoever.

The present spike has been exacerbated by the increased disregard of medical advice by a vocal minority.

Mass gatherings, raves, parties etc are conducive to increased infections.

The perpetrators of such actions should be firmly dealt with and punished.

The lockdown will again punish the majority law abiding population for the transgressions of the minority. That is not acceptable or justifiable.

Furthermore, there is no guarantee that it will increase the pace of reductions.

The price to the population and the economy is not acceptable to a civilised country.

Punish the offenders not the innocent.

Phillip James
Fleet Hargate

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