LETTER: Transport cuts will discriminate

I wish Mr Flindall, of Sutton Bridge, all the best in his campaign against the proposed withdrawal of funding for transport to Spalding Grammar School.

Whatever bright spark thinks it is a good idea needs to reconsider before this goes further.

I stood at the Grammar School in May, during an election event and stated that my party was opposed to cuts in school transport. This has not changed.

Lincolnshire County Council doesn’t hold consultations, flawed or otherwise, unless it is seriously thinking about doing something.

The school transport cuts are a real possibility and soothing noises made by its children’s services should be treated with a very large pinch of salt.

In case people think that only grammar schools are in danger, what if they also or later extend this to any school not in the immediate area of students’ homes?

We rely on services provided at the discretion of our county council, due to the lack of support from central government these are at serious risk, as I have said before.

Lincolnshire is a Conservative county and these cuts come courtesy of a Conservative government.

The same one that gives away billions in foreign aid, spend billions on an unnecessary HS2 rail link and huge sums on complying with EU dictates and membership fees.

I urge all county councillors to vote against this idea, it discriminates against poorer but bright children and could be the thin end of a very large wedge.

Coun Paul Foyster
SHDC Holbeach Town ward

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