LETTER: Town is past its sell by date

I am writing this letter after coming into Spalding on Tuesday, market day, and seeing a third world town!
Dirty, untidy and empty shops! A market, what market? Approximately six stalls, some with no covers, others with just odd bits of plastic or plastic sheets around them.
Where has the pride gone out of Spalding?
With all the empty properties in the town, I’m sure there is one large place ie Beales, that an indoor market with nice covers would attract people, as there are toilets, a coffee shop and even an escalator (or there was) already installed.
Why don’t Spalding councillors look at the easy ways to improve the town? I’m sure you would then get more stallholders to come back. I’m sure 90 per cent of the community would welcome going indoors to browse, buy, have a coffee, and even go to the toilet.
But I really think Spalding has most certainly gone past its sell by date. Once a thriving market town to this – dirty, unkempt, empty shops, no toilets and people complaining. No wonder people go elsewhere.
So councillors just put your glasses on and look around your own town!

Jane Stanley
Quadring Bank

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