LETTER: Time to vote on some new blood

I totally agree with the concerns of Coun Angela Newton regarding a new off-licence in Spalding.

Why were her concerns refused to be stated to the panel by the chairman? Has the chairman given his explanation for this refusal and should not the public also be given an explanation?

It is also a pity that Coun Graham Dark had to ask for it to be recorded that he disagreed with the panel decision. Had he not requested this his view would not have been recorded.

Couns Dark and Newton have far more experience to refuse such a decision and had looked into the problems at length; but what points were taken into consideration by the chairman? Had the chairman studied the implications ?

I have heard previously from other meetings that points raised are not all recorded because the chairman did not think it fit to do so, so this refusal does not surprise me.

A chairman might have the casting decision but all points raised must be debated and taken into account especially for a decision such as this one.

Isn’t it the right of every committee member to be heard and all points made recorded?

It seems to me that the local council has become complacent and we need some new councillors and a new party to put life back into Spalding and consider the residents’ opinions.

I hope the electorate will think very seriously of the many planning decisions that have been passed which have gone against the opinions of many; and vote some new blood with fresh ideas on to the local council in May.

Connie Cronin
Claudette Avenue

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