LETTER: Surprised at open prejudice

I had conflicting thoughts when I read the article “Homes would be ‘slum’ and ‘not fit for Tilbury’”.

Surprise, consternation and something just approaching pride that Tilbury was such a household name, wait a minute.. it’s known for slum housing and general deprivation, not so much pride then.

I was born in Tilbury in the early 50s, an altogether different place then.

Hard working, law abiding people who, like our household, I suspect had no need of locked doors or windows. Always a bit down at heel and certainly not on many people’s holiday list. Indeed, it was the main port for the ten pound Poms departing for a new life down under.

Coming up to date though it sadly has been a dumping ground for the overspill from London and this is no excuse for how bad things have become.

As a firefighter there before retirement we would routinely liaise with the police before venturing to a high rise block of flats as some tenants thought it a bit of fun to rain down old irons, TV sets etc.

I don’t mean to give credence to Coun Brewis’ remarks, just to supply an overview of the deprivation Tilbury has suffered under successive governments.

Having glimpsed parts of Grimsby and the Channel 4 programme ‘Benefits Street’ I would never make sweeping statements to the detriment of all northern towns. In fact, I always ensure friends and family alike are given a positive take on my home for the past 11 years.

It’s just surprising to see prejudice voiced so openly.

Mark Nunnery
Bramley Meadows

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