LETTER: Spalding is not a nice place to live

Just wanted to say how pleased I was to see your article “Enough is enough”.

How many more European supermarkets are the council going to allow?

I agree, how can they be legitimately making a profit given how many stores there are vs. demand?

Surely if a business owner is caught supplying illegal contraband, they shouldn’t be granted permission to open another premises?

Large areas of our town are dominated by these stores and it has to have a knock-on effect to larger, much needed, chains looking at coming into the town; as someone who was born locally, went to uni then moved back for work and family, I generally avoid going shopping in town and I’m constantly considering selling up and moving out of Spalding as it’s just not a nice place to live anymore.

Name and address supplied

One comment

  1. What is it with everybody knocking Spalding?

    I moved here 10 years ago from a medium sized town in West Yorkshire with my family and have not looked back.

    My son is getting a better standard of education than he could have ever hoped for before and it’s a pleasure interacting with my neighbours and local business owners (of all nationalities).

    Crime is off the scale with some of the lowest home and car insurance rates anywhere in the UK backing that statistic up and I feel genuinely safe in my own home.

    On top of this I am surrounded by amazing countryside just moments away from my front door.

    What I am now seeing in Spalding is a deep down hatred towards migrants coming to our town to work which prevents them integrating into our community and instead forces them to set up their own shops, businesses and before you know it schools and churches all because the “natives” won’t let them in.

    What is happening in Spalding today is what happened in the rest of the UK 20 years ago. Migrants coming into the area wanting to make a better life for themselves.

    Shut them out and they will come anyway however they will be FORCED to create a parallel community.

    In West Yorkshire, a Mosque in every small town and a muslim school for every christian one is common place. This isn’t a bad thing but it could have been some much more integrated if people had not been so prejudice 20 years ago

    And now history is repeating itself in South Lincolnshire.

    If you really don’t like it here then leave but I am pretty sure you will find the grass isn’t any greener on the other side!

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