Spalding landlord Mark Le Sage (left) with “Diddy” Wilson, of Wilson Builders Ltd, and “Dick” Brown, of East Anglian Civils Ltd, at the new property in Spring Gardens.

Tenants in new Spalding property must agree to be good neighbour

Any tenant wanting to live in this new Spalding property must first agree to be a good neighbour.

Landlord Mark Le Sage is including a clause in tenancy agreements for the Spring Gardens property. It means people will be required to act well not only within the confines of the house but in the neighbourhood too.

Mark says he has had to deal with the fallout from a poorly behaved tenant before and has previous experience of living with bad neighbours.

He said: “This is to make tenants aware of their social responsibility within the community and that neighbourliness is a requirement of taking on a tenancy.”
He added: “It’s just important to me that in a community like Spalding we all do our best to get on without any divisiveness.”

Jack McLean, South Holland district councillor for Spalding St John’s, is supporting the move.

He said: “It has been refreshing to see so much attention being given to ensure residents are being reminded of their responsibilities in this regard.

“The number of neighbourly disputes reported to me across my ward remains relatively high and I know the people in all of those situations would have welcomed a clause such as this. It also represents a care for the quality of tenants in the local community that should serve to reassure all of us.”

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