Pictured (from left) are Laura Stevens, Chrissy Johnson and Jo Ireland.

Staff step up for hospital

Sessions for those with a painful condition are to reopen in Spalding.
Chrissy Johnson has previously held a fibromyalgia support group in the town.
It’s now set to relaunch after the charity Tonic Health’s community coordinator Jo Ireland felt it was needed after speaking to local people.
The first session will be June 13 from 1pm to 3pm at Tonic Health’s Broadgate House on Westlode Street.
It will be open to a host of conditions, not just those with fibromyalgia.
“We contacted Chrissy to collaborate on delivering much needed advice sessions,” said Jo. “There are a great deal of people who are suffering the effects of various chronic long term health conditions.
This may be due to long COVID, fibromyalgia, chronic fatigue, ME or any other debilitating illness, as often symptoms from all of these conditions can be very similar.
“Therefore, despite this session targeting fibromyalgia sufferers, it is open to all.
“The aim of these group sessions is to provide peer support and information for sufferers, their family members and anyone else wanting to know more.
“Chrissy has been running groups for 11 years and has learnt a great deal from her own personal journey so is the perfect person to do a talk, and share her experiences.
“Local professionals such as GP staff, social prescribers and carers would also be very welcome to attend to get a personal insight of the condition and gather relevant information.”
Chrissy runs a Facebook group called “Stamford/Spalding/Corby/Bourne/Peterborough Fibromyalgia Support Group” which has nearly 1,000 members.

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