Tufty the Border Terrier.

Tufty the terrier is ready for fun

Festive Pets is back and now is your chance to send in a photo of your pet in Christmas finery.

This year’s competition is kindly sponsored by Birchgrove Garden Centre, who are offering a first prize of £50, second prize of £30 and third prize of £20.

To be in with a chance of winning send in a picture of your pet to the Voice.

We will publish all the pictures (as long as the quality allows) and choose a winner in the New Year.
Email a picture (1MB or more in size) to news@spaldingvoice.co.uk and put Festive Pets in the subject line. Please include the pet’s name, age and address, along with your name and a daytime contact telephone number. Please ensure your details are included and the closing date for entries is noon on Tuesday, December 20.

Pictured is Tufty who has just had his ninth birthday at home in Moulton with the Malkin family.

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