Travel agent appeal to fill up food banks

A Spalding travel agent is asking people to make donations to its appeal to ensure everyone has a happy Christmas.

Spalding Travel and its sister branches in Wisbech and March are asking for donations of food to ensure local food banks can give as many desperate families a hamper to bring a little joy to the festive season.
Christina Purcell said: “We are asking for donations of any food to give to those less fortunate this Christmas.
“Our aim is to fill up our food banks with as much as possible so families in need can have food hampers.
“So, please empty your cupboards and clear away any unwanted items as we will take anything that can be used to give to a family that needs it this year.”
Items which can be accepted include cans, packets, dried food, dried milk, sugar, soups, fruit juice cartons, pasta sauces, sponge puddings, cereals, tinned rice pudding, tea bags, instant mash potatoes, rice, pasta, tinned meat/fish, tinned fruit, tinned vegetables, jam, biscuits or snack bars.
They can also accept toys that are used but in good condition and teddy bears in good condition.
Donations should be taken to Spalding Travel in Swan Street.

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