Shop a drink-driver in South Holland by texting police

Insp Jim Tyner, of Spalding Police, with beermats which are being distributed as part of the campaign.

Insp Jim Tyner, of Spalding Police, with beermats which are being distributed as part of the campaign.

Police have launched their summer drink-drive campaign by asking people to text details of suspected offenders.

Texts starting with the keyword DRINK and including details of the vehicle and where and when should be sent to 80800.

Spalding police community inspector Jim Tyner said the campaign coincides with the start of the World Cup in Brazil next week. Some matches – such as England’s first against Italy on Saturday, June 14 – kick off at 11pm.
Police are encouraging help to catch drink-drivers who may have left pubs or who are still over the limit the following morning.

Insp Tyner: “With the late night screenings of the World Cup, there is a risk of people driving the morning after while still over the limit.
“If you think someone is drink-driving you can report them anonymously and we’ll do the rest.
“In an emergency you should still use 999.”

He assured the public that texts would be treated anonymously.

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