Inspector Gareth Boxall.

Police operation targets Christmas theft and anti-social behaviour in Spalding

Spalding Police have launched a new operation to tackle the rise in anti-social behaviour in Spalding and seasonal shoplifting.

Operation Vivid was announced by Inspector Gareth Boxall, who said there will be more police patrols in Spalding during December.
Insp. Boxall said shoplifting increases around Christmas but the operation’s anti-social behaviour focus isn’t related to the festive season.

“The anti-social behaviour we are experiencing is a current rather than a seasonal issue. It has recently been youth-related and generally rowdiness within public places. In isolation, some of this behaviour could be seen as minor but larger groups of youths engaging in this sort of behaviour can be wholly intimidating for people,” he said.

“Statistically June and July are the months where most anti-social behaviour occurs and there is no discernible increase in alcohol related ASB in December.”

Insp. Boxall added: “The public will see increased uniformed patrols in the town but like a lot of policing these days, this is only one of the ways that we tackle problems effectively and there are a number of other ways in which we will be preventing and detecting crime in the town.”

Despite the increased police presence, Insp. Boxall said no officers have been assigned from elsewhere for the patrols and the Neighbourhood Policing Teams will continue to focus on their areas’ issues.

On the shoplifting focus, Insp. Boxall gives this advice to shop staff: ”Remain vigilant. If you suspect someone to be in your shop with the aim of shoplifting, approach them and speak with them as you would any customer. Far better to discourage someone from stealing in the first place.”

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