Karen Pearson with pairs winners Steve Stancer and Dan Gent.

Marathon bid hits the bullseye

A special darts competition has hit the bullseye for an emotional charity effort.

The Lincoln Arms recently put on the pairs event for Karen Pearson who is running the London Marathon in October.

She’s taking up the place of Teresa Walton who spent years raising money for the charity Breast Cancer Now until she died in a road accident last year.

To show their support for Karen, Lincoln Arms landlord Mandy Stancer’s husband Steve put on the darts competition won by Steve Stancer and Dan Gent beating off around 40 other teams.

It also raised a brilliant £1,341 for Breast Cancer Now.

Steve Stancer said: “It was a great effort by all that attended and helped on the day and a big thank you who donated raffle prizes.

“There were also some lovely cash contributions from a few individuals towards the total amount we raised this was presented to Karen.”

Karen Pearson is pictured with Lincoln Arms landlords Mandy Stancer and husband Steve.

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