LETTERS – Why are they still in charge?

In addition to Rick Stringer’s justifiably excoriating opinion of the Conservative government in last week’s The Voice, might I point out that South Holland District Council is frequently in the local news, but all too frequently in a negative way.

Public toilets, general shabbiness of towns in its jurisdiction, shop closures, market trader issues, and so on.

For years I have seen a steady decline in the area, and one thing stands out: The local voters stalwartly, come hell or high water, vote largely for Conservative councillors again and again.

Einstein once said, it is claimed, that “insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results.” Yet the local electorate cannot have heard of Professor Einstein and his old adage, for we keep getting Conservatives in!

And the negative news about South Holland never lets up. Currently the local district council contains 24 Conservative and 11 Independent councillors, plus one other, and also not forgetting our local Member of Parliament Sir John Hayes, another Conservative.

If the whole country is now clamouring for a general election, why can’t the voters of South Holland also see the light and choose more wisely next time?

Michael Mitchell
Holbeach St Marks

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