LETTERS – We should not fear the cables

Dan Lowsley is getting hot under the collar about a new power line proposed to run from Grimsby to Walpole.
He states the route shown is a mile wide, that is because the exact route has not been chosen yet but will be somewhere in that area.
The new towers are more slender than the old towers yet far stronger and more able to withstand high winds. They will likely be a lot higher so people will not be so near to the high voltage conductors.
These new lines are needed because the old grid system built just after the last war were placed to connect substations to the coal fired power stations at the time, we now need conductors in right place to distribute power from the newer green energy sites like in the north sea. The Viking link substation at Weston Marsh will bring this green energy to Walpole and link it to Grimsby.
We need to upgrade the national grid to meet green energy targets and get off the use of burning carbon based fuel.
We all want to use electricity throughout our lives, we should not fear the cables that bring it to us.

Roy Deaton

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