LETTERS – We need to get a grip on immigration

It would be incorrect to say that all immigration is bad; many of those who have come to Britain make a valued contribution to our country, especially here in South Holland.
But in the United Kingdom, the population appears to be ever-increasing with the most recent ONS figures showing a shocking record of net migration at 606,000 in one year.
Our MP Sir John Hayes is right to raise awareness of this issue.
The assumption that increasing population is an automatic good for the economy is negligent of the more base-level problems it causes – if we continue to admit the number of people we are now, we would need to build 6.5 million more homes to cope with population growth over the period since 1997.
If my generation wants any hope of owning a house and enjoying the same NHS care that our parents did, we need to get a grip on immigration – both legal and illegal.

Andrew Lucas

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