LETTERS: The power of a gentle squeeze

On Friday, September 11, I was shopping with my 89-year-old mother in Aldi, Spalding.
She is suffering from memory loss and asked me five times what date is was and we were still on the first aisle.
A total stranger sensed my frustration and impatience and simply said: ‘I know what it’s like’.
I replied that she had become worse over the past couple of weeks.
Again he sensed my emotion as I found it difficult to get the words out as I was welling up.
All he did was put his hand on my shoulder and gentle squeezed. Wow! What power there was. I so wish I could meet him again and thank him.
It just goes to show that in this time of uncertainty and turmoil we are all in it together and nobody should be a stranger.
Thank you to that gentleman who brought back my compassion, humility and care for others.
Anthony Grunwell
via email

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