LETTERS – Thanks for doing road repairs

Thanks to Highways Department for the road repairs carried out on Surfleet Road at the Milestone Lane/Herdgate Lane junctions.

Many thanks also to Sir John Hayes for contacting Highways last year to help get this repair done.

The road was closed for about five hours and it was interesting to see how many goods vehicles and cars failed to observe the signs.

Whilst having a look at what was going on outside my property I noticed one car driver looking rather bemused. I politely advised him he could travel down Milestone/Bacon Lane and he would be back to Surfleet Road.

Rather than express any thanks he continued to mutter disgust at his alleged lack of signage.

What I would say to that driver is that me and my neighbours have suffered for years the noise and vibrations caused by the defect but he was unhappy about a short detour which would add about two minutes to his journey.

This reinforces what I feel about the general public. Most people are very nice but there is a minority that are awful.

Colin Clow

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