LETTERS – Rhetoric has turned full circle

Irritating tabloid newspapers say we are about to see a return to “the life we love”, and their chief rabble-rouser Johnson goads them on by saying he is looking forward to his “first pint”.

But what is there to love about being kept awake late into the night by the racket from bars and pubs in Spalding town centre?

A couple of decades ago misogynist Johnson complained that women were to blame for a plans to restrict drinking outside, a “planned erosion of male liberty”.

This was until his fellow Brexit supporters found they could cash in on stereotypes blaming the activity on southern and eastern Europeans. Lies.

When kept awake late at night ahead of early shifts on Saturday and Sunday mornings, I only ever hear English accents amidst the raucous singing and shouting.

Now a bankrupt Treasury craving easily taxable activities and an economy flagging under Johnson’s misdirection need a boost, the rhetoric has turned full circle and he is all for outside drinking again.

But while lockdown is ending, Johnson could still fruitfully be locked up, or at least gagged.

G Kent
Chapel Lane

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