LETTERS – Over-50s lose out in jab battle

I feel very strongly that the over-50s are not being offered flu and COVID-19 vaccinations for the coming winter season.
I have ended up paying £19.99 for the flu jab – but currently the COVID-19 booster isn’t available to under-65s, even if one offers to pay.
A big thank you to the staff at Pinchbeck Pharmacy – they are a wonderful team and always provide first class service.
This is the letter I sent to the healthy secretary six weeks ago – so far I haven’t had a reply.
Dear Mr Barclay,
This is the first time I have ever written to an MP – but this is an issue about which I feel most strongly – affecting not only myself, but millions of over fifties.
For many years I’ve always had a free flu vaccination and this, I believe, has helped me ward off any serious effects during the flu season.
Now, we are told that the free flu vaccination is only available to people over 65 (or under that age in special circumstances). I’m 63, so no longer qualify. I assume this is to save money – but surely this decision will be counter productive.
It will most likely result in costing the NHS much more, and hospitals being overwhelmed by people with flu taking up valuable beds – thus denying a bed to other people with a serious illness or awaiting an operation.
Likewise with the plan to abandon the COVID-19 booster for the under 65s … especially at a time when there is an new variant (BA.2.86) on the rise.
I would be most grateful if you would look into the long term issues that these decisions will create.

Mark Robert
via email

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