LETTERS – No action over town rubbish

Following my recent letter “An open letter to SHDC” published a couple of weeks ago regarding the dire state of the town – so far no response from SHDC.

It must be time for the sane residents of Spalding town to rise up and demand that SHDC and Roger Gambba-Jones, get their act together and start implementing some of their policies.

Rubbish sacks are all over the town, put out onto the pavements any time residents have got a full sack of rubbish, whether green recycling or black general waste.

There is a message on the bags “Leave out before 6am on the day of collection”, which implies any time in the week before the collection date is OK!

Re-wording should be “Do not leave out before 6am on the day of collection”.

There appears to be a lack of social responibility by incoming people living in Spalding, as well as a lack of directives and enforcement from the boffins at SHDC.

As an example, residents on Winsover Road, Spalding, next to the railway crossing, put their rubbish out into the corner of the building on the main road – it gets trashed, eaten by cats and rats, is not sorted into green and black piles, the refuse collectors can’t be bothered (or don’t have time) to sort it! Human rubbish all over the place!

This property has perfectly adequate storage in a side yard – but who will put other people’s rubbish out before 6am on the day of collection? Maybe the landlords of these houses of multiple occupancy should provide a wheelie bin, so at least the rubbish is contained, not spread all over the streets?

Probably too difficult for Roger Gambba-Jones at SHDC to think about!

I have lost track of the number of reports put into SHDC over the past 20 years.

Nothing done, no action, no rubbish bin down my street to catch the innumerable cans, bottles and other waste deposited by morons on their way home.

Fed up? You bet!

Anyone wishing to join a campaign to oust the current incompetent incumbents of SHDC can make contact at pamat46@outlook.com

Paul Matten
Green Lane

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