LETTERS – I’m thankful for work on gas pipes

In the March 28th edition of the Spalding Voice, was a letter from D. Loos, a Fleet Hargate resident, complaining about the work going on the area, replacing the gas transport system (the pipes).
I have also lived in the same village for the past 33 years, and applaud the work going on to make the gas infrastructure safer for us all.
On Tuesday I spoke to the workmen about a service at the Baptist Chapel in Old Main Road, as we had two gas feed pipes running down the footpath across our frontage. They promised to make it safe for us.
Thursday morning they laid sand bags alongside the pipes to enable us to step from the path to the church, checking with me that I was happy with the provision. I was very thankful and let them know.
During that day there were at least ten men working in the various pits dug in the pathway, as well as assorted plant another equipment. To add to their problems it rained heavily and they continued with their work.
Rather than make fun of these hard working contractors (working from home? I don’t think so?) we should be thankful that this work is being done for the benefit a safety of us all.
God bless them.

Pastor Ross A Dean
Fleet Baptist Church

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