LETTERS – I hope we have made Angela proud

I would like to take this opportunity to thank the residents of South Holland for supporting my independent colleagues last Thursday.
During that night and since, I have heard comments about it being a protest vote against national politics etc. I would just like to point out that the vast majority talking to us on the door step had no interest in national politics, they were interested in what happens locally.
The vast majority we spoke with want changes and they want them here, on our door step, that is why they voted for the Independents by the hundreds.
With a new council however, does come the opportunity for change, with a new leader comes the opportunity for a new direction, the Independents now have 18 seats compared to the Conservative 19.
We hope with no large majority the new leader will be more open to working with the Independents.
South Holland residents have asked for changes I hope we can work together to achieve them.
I would personally like to thank the residents of St Paul’s ward for trusting myself and Bailey for the next four years, we will work hard for you. I will be asking all my Independent colleagues to do the same in their own wards.
At 4am on Friday morning my Independent colleagues and I stood outside the count and raised a small glass of port to the stars.
I know our good friend Angela Newton would be watching us, I hope we have made her proud.

Rob Gibson
Leader of South Holland Independents

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