LETTER: The council seems anti wheelie bins

I absolutely agree with Eric Needham (V Mail November 26) re the need for wheelie bins for garden waste.

I live just outside Crowland and have a very big garden. We are constantly – at least two or three times per week – having to drive to the local tip with several bags of garden rubbish. This involves a round trip of 12 miles each time.

I have contacted the council several times re this issue and have also written to the local MP (I didn’t receive an acknowledgement or any communication re this letter!).

The council seems very anti wheelie bins for some reason.

As Mr Needham points out, with an ageing population not everyone can drive to the local tip to dispose of their garden waste.

What are we paying Council Tax for if not to receive a basic service such as this? Every other council I know, or have heard of, use wheelie bins.

I do not understand why South Holland District Council is so against them.

With the issue of plastic bags being in the news now I would have thought the need for wheelie bins would be an even more pressing issue.

Catherine Read
French Drove

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