LETTER: Thanks for everybody’s support in our best-ever Poppy Appeal

Pinchbeck branch of the Royal British Legion wishes to express its very grateful thanks to the residents of not only Pinchbeck but of the surrounding areas also in making the recent Poppy Appeal our best to date.

In particular we are grateful to customers of Morrisons who contributed £13,371.59 to our total collection there, as well as to the branch members and other friends who manned our collection points during the period. Overall, in the villages of Pinchbeck and West Pinchbeck we have raised to date the total of £15,713.12 and I am aware that there are some further sums to be received.

We are also grateful to the Ukulele Orchestra of Spalding who gave us a most fascinating concert in Pinchbeck Baptist Church on November 19, waiving any performance fees so that all proceeds could be passed to the appeal.

Once again, on behalf of the branch, many, many thanks to all who have supported us.

Tony Boyer
RBL Pinchbeck branch treasurer and Poppy Appeal organiser

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