LETTER: Shame on those who poison cats

I write in response to a letter I briefly caught sight of regarding the poisoning of cats in Sutton.

While I sympathise with the victims of ripped open rubbish bags, they should be reminded of the Criminal Damage Act of 1971. Within the act, cats are regarded as “property” with a legal owner and by poisoning a cat, they are committing a criminal offence and can face prosecution.

I am a cat owner and if I came across anyone poisoning my cats I would not hesitate in taking legal action against the offender.

On a moral note, poisoning a cat is a despicable thing to do and I would imagine is generally carried out by “non cat owners”.

We treat our cats as members of our family and love them. What would happen if one of these people’s children was poisoned?

It’s also a commonly held view that cats have “a legal right to roam”. Restriction of this right would also be in breach of certain laws, most commonly the laws relating to animal cruelty.

Shame on anyone who purposely harms an innocent animal.

Steve Timewell
West Pinchbeck

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