LETTER: Police must clamp down on errant cyclists

Cyclists are always harping on about bad drivers and are the first to make a complaint and post it on YouTube when one gets verbal abuse or hit.

But they never post anything showing them doing wrong. Well, I can say for sure – as most folk could – every day I see cyclists riding on the paths, terrorizing pedestrians, cycling down one-way streets the wrong way, cycling head-on into traffic on the wrong side of the road, cutting drivers up, cycling with no lights, and ignoring traffic lights.

Only this morning while walking my dog did I see the most ridiculous move by a cyclist out racing I have ever seen. Dressed in his ridiculous Lycra outfit and going as fast as he could, he was approaching the traffic lights from Pinchbeck towards town.

The lights were on red, it was very clear he had no intention of stopping. Ahead of him was a Mini at the lights waiting to turn into West Elloe Avenue, the cyclist ignored the red light, overtook the Mini then cut in front of it to turn left into West Elloe Avenue.

Luckily for him there were no pedestrians crossing West Elloe Avenue as he would have stood no chance of avoiding a collision. The consequences for a pedestrian would have been very severe – what a moron.

I thought those out racing on our roads would have more sense, but obviously not.

Cyclists have been taking advantage of the lax laws against them for a couple of years now, but it has to stop and the police need to put them in their place. UK laws apply to them as much as they do drivers.

Mr Neil Bingham

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