LETTER: No district council, you did not act swiftly with eviction

One reads on the front page of The Voice (October 27) of how the South Holland District Council have finally removed disruptive tenants from Princes Street, Sutton Bridge.

The article might have been written by South Holland District Council as it seemingly suggests how the “blues and twos” flashed as the whole council acted in haste to rid the suffering people of Sutton Bridge of the problem family. Indeed the portfolio holder, Christine Lawton is quoted as “how this sends out a strong message”.

Let’s get real Mrs Lawton. At best you and your team have been messing about for four years since the current tenants started causing uproar to their neighbours and more likely it has been a problem for some 16 years or so, based on The Voice report.

If this council needs some four years to stop disorderly tenants causing general misery to fellow residents then they need a complete overhaul including the ability of the portfolio holder to lead officers on such policy. Big deal with a High Court writ but after four years minimum of messing about and going nowhere whilst residents suffered hardly more than a bit of a joke.

One can only hope these local officers and politicians never have to manage a big city situation.

Wayne Seaborn
Saxon Close

Editor’s note: In fairness to Coun Lawton, her quote, which was supplied to us by the council and edited due to space constraint, included the line: “The usual process of going through the county court to get an eviction order can take time as you have to build a solid case.”

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