LETTER: Moulton Mill thanks for support

The Trustees and Friends of Moulton Mill would like to extend their deep gratitude to all those who participated in the Christmas raffle, which generated a magnificent sum of £800, which will go towards the continuing upkeep, repair and restoration of Moulton Windmill.

The list of prizewinners is shown below:

  1. Luxury hamper (John Booth, Moulton Chapel)
  2. 2. Glenfiddich whisky (Joan Kay, Holbeach)
  3. Mulled wine set (Sandra Hammond, Moulton)
  4. Limited edition signed watercolour print (R Bennett, Spalding)
  5. Luxury box of chocolates (S Kirk)
  6. Bar set (Katie Cummins)
  7. Mill tour voucher for four persons (Chris, West London)
  8. Box of Celebration chocolates (Reg Attwood, Holbeach)

In addition to thanking those who participated, we would also like to thank our visitors for their continued patronage throughout 2016 and look forward to their return during 2017. 

The mill re-opens to the public on Thursday, January 12, and is open between 10am and 4pm from Thursday to Sunday, and Bank Holidays, throughout the year.

Alan Lambert
Treasurer, Moulton Windmill Project Ltd
Chairman, Friends of Moulton Mill

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