LETTER: Little respect shown for remainers

Mr Jackson (The Voice 4/10/18) shows little respect for the large number of people in the UK who voted to stay in the EU.

His references to “remoaners” suggests a playground level of discussion as does his reference to “London centric”, I am sure that the Scots have a view about this.

Amongst the reasons why the result of the referendum should be challenged is the fact that the public were not properly informed of all the consequences of departure but instead were fed lies by leading supporters of the Leave campaign and which were heavily promoted by our right wing gutter press.

What happened to the NHS money and the purported Turkish invasion? Where are the international trade deals which were going to be so simple to arrange?

The public were not aware of the influences of such organisations as the Institute for Economic Affairs and others or of their unknown paymasters nor were they aware of the possible manipulation of social media.

The did not vote for the damage which will be inflicted upon British industry and British financial institutions, the loss of prospects for young people, the possible necessity to stockpile food and medicines, the talking of precautions against civil unrest, damage to the economies of Ireland and Holland and the losses already incurred by the fall in the value of sterling and the stagnation of the economy. I could go on.

To compensate for these very real possibilities what do we have – vague promises that everything will be wonderful – some time.

I will not take issue with Mr Jackson’s arithmetic, I am sure that it is a typing error, but with regard to the first paragraph of his letter- – who in their right mind would trust Boris Johnson?

I Sloan
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