LETTER: Johnson Hospital needs to offer more

I’m sure I am not the only person who thought when we were getting a new hospital it was going to be the state of the art everything under one roof, operating theatres, eye clinics, maternity units, etc etc, only to find it was a big disappointment.

We still had to travel to other hospitals for operations and many other things.

As our town and surrounding villages have grown much larger over the last few years we were in great need of a hospital which has everything.

I have to support MP Sir John Hayes who already has been backed by six leading councillors. I hope as soon as possible our hospital can be built on and extended and provide the facilities this town and villages require.

I have two dear friends who regularly have to travel to Peterborough, Grantham and Pilgrim hospitals – these journeys really wear them out and are sometimes gone almost all day.

They are not in good health at the best of times, and there are hundreds of people just the same.

So come on people we really need this for everyone of all ages.

I am not a clever person, I don’t know where we go from here to help us get the hospital we all need, but I hope my letter will be read and someone out there can help get this underway.

Carol Hare

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