LETTER: Enforce all the law of our roads

Contacting the Police recently regarding Parking on Pavements and Cycling on Pavements.

Lincolnshire Police quote: “It is an offence to ride a pedal cycle intentionally on a pavement – a penalty ticket may be issued with a fine.”

Well isn’t it about time that the Police started using the law to stop this dangerous act all over Spalding?

Running along Pinchbeck Road between 17:30 and 18:00 I was confronted by 16 bicycles, only four had a light on, all on the pavement, expecting me to move.

If the Police can sit in a van on Pinchbeck Road all day catching speeding motorists, then why do they not stop cyclists breaking the law all over Spalding?

Parking cars on pavements, Lincolnshire Police quote: “Parking a vehicle on the pavement could lead to an offence of obstruction being committed. This could result in a fixed penalty notice being issued to offending vehicles. It can also cause danger/nuisance for pedestrians and wheelchairs users.”

Spalding pavements are becoming car parks, with long stretches only passable in one direction because of vehicles parked on pavements on both sides.

Again, if this is an offence would it not be possible for the police to walk some streets placing penalty notices on the offending vehicles?

I understand the Police force is stretched but I have never seen Spalding in such an unkempt and unpoliced state as it is at the moment.

Phil Tweddell
Pinchbeck resident

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