LETTER: Could budget help with precept?

In March 2013 the chairman of the Parish Council told us we were on the way to a zero precept, and the precept was reduced by 14 per cent in time for the General Election.

Since then the precept has risen by over 50 per cent until this year it rises by a further 150 per cent.

Only two councillors suggested ways of reducing this rise, this included having a public consultation as SHDC has done, all rejected by the ‘council’.

Could I please point out that the children’s play equipment in the Glebe Field was paid from the proceeds of selling part of Flaxmill Field to build 14 affordable rent houses for £54,000 and not from the precept as could be inferred from page 19 of the Voice February 15.

Also Pinchbeck has three district councillors each with a dedicated budget of £15,000 over their four year term of office to spend in the parish. Could not the balance of this account be transferred to the parish to reduce the burden on all precept payers?

Douglas Dickens
Gallery Walk

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