LETTER: An open letter to Coun Porter

An open letter to South Holland District Council Leader Gary Porter:

Dear Gary, just been catching up on the local news. It seems that perhaps you have not had the best of press lately whilst your low profile as leader of the council is quite noticeable. Perhaps the two fit together?

It does seem that there is a reasonable head of steam locally about our eastern Europeans, the Winsover Road licensing issues and the general state of the town with eastern Europeans and their beer cans.

One appreciates that the council cannot do it all but again popular opinion seems to be crying out for tougher management of planning and licences as well as a significant police profile.

The poor police profile seems to be driven by the regular annual increase in their budgets when all others have been frozen.

Their lack of presence in the town is simply unacceptable and people need them to be seen for security and support.

I know you know but these issues do hit home.

Just thought it was right to share these thoughts with you, sure you know already, but I and many others think a driving, upfront, positive leader of the council, coming out with tough policies and implementations would do no harm.

As for approvals, why not adopt a refusal policy for licensing and planning in the town and let the eastern Europeans appeal, at least it would show the public you are trying.

At the moment I think local people feel the council simply does not care.

Wayne Seaborn

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