Last-minute entries for caring neighbour and community hero

Last-minute nominations have seen a community hero and a caring neighbour added to the Pride of South Holland Awards list.

Janet Prescott has been nominated by Monica Lambert for her involvement in Moulton Mill, among other things.
Mrs Lambert said: “Janet holds down a very demanding full time job but still has time to get involved with various projects that are very dear to her.”
These include being a founder member of the Moulton Windmill Project Ltd – the charity side of the Friends of Moulton Windmill – responsible for getting the funding and putting in bids for grants to help with the restoration.
More recently she was instrumental in starting a new community magazine, the Elloe Oracle, and is helping two women get funding for a project they wish to set up.
Mrs Lambert added: “She has had health issues but still does not complain but gets on with whatever is thrown at her.
“She is a very knowledgeable person who is only too willing to help many organisations who want her guidance to point them in the right direction.”
Joyce Doades, of Broadgate, Weston Hills, has nominated Jane Hickman for a Caring Neighbour award.
She said: “We would like to nominate her for helping George and myself by taking us to the doctor, dentist and hospital.
“She also takes us shopping, even though she is not a well person herself.
“Nothing is ever too much trouble.”

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