Gym hours cut for juniors

The mum of a Spalding teenager has criticised a town gym after her daughter had her usage curtailed.

Cydney Wells wants to get fit for her Duke of Edinburgh award and signed-up to £17.35 a month at The Castle Sports Complex gym.

The membership allowed her to attend whenever she could and had access to all the equipment.

But now the juniors can only attend for an hour slot, 4pm-5pm or 5pm-6pm Monday to Friday.

“The juniors used to have access to all facilities, but they changed it so that they only have a small section of sports hall with very dated equipment,” said Cydney’s mum Lee Pumpr.

“I am sure other parents or guardians have voted with their feet in addition to me, and have now gone to private gyms who are more than welcoming to junior members,” she said.

“I just think the decision is very short sighted,” she added.

The centre did say that if juniors wanted to attend at any other time then they needed to be accompanied by an adult paying full membership price.

A statement from Lex Leisure, which runs the Castle Sports Centre, said: “To provide a safer environment for junior members, we have introduced bookable sessions to ensure we are aware which under-16s are in the gym and can provide supervision.

“The change, which improves safety for all users, is in line with industry guidance and our own company’s national operating procedures.

“A treadmill has recently been added to the equipment on offer. Under 16s can also continue to use the gym at any time under the supervision of a paying adult.”

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