Furry friends at care home

Residents at a Holbeach care home were given some ‘pet therapy’ recently.

Michelle’s Animal Therapy popped into Holbeach Meadows with a host of animals including cats, rabbits, a hen, tortoise and bearded dragon.
Owner Michelle Daughtrey handed the animals to residents.
A spokesman for the home said: “Pet therapy is something we incorporate into our activities programme every month, it is recommended by the National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE) and Social Care Institute for Excellence (SCIE) guidance for people with dementia.
“Research shows that animals are therapeutic, residents derive pleasure and comfort from them, they provide social contact, opportunities for sensory experiences and meaningful engagement.
“Stroking an animal or being in its presence can release ‘feel good’ hormones that lift mood and reduce stress and anxiety.
“One particular lady, who normally chooses to spend most of the day in her room, came to join in and beamed from ear to ear at the contact with these little creatures!
“Seeing the delight on the residents faces as they met, held and petted the animals was truly heartwarming, their smiles said it all.”

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