Dog poison poster just a precaution

A poster put up by Holbeach Parish Council warning dog owners about a “suspected case of poisoning” on the Netherfield park was only precautionary, the council said.

A parish council spokesman said: “One of the park staff reported that there was a member of the public who told them that they only exercised their dog on the Netherfield park and not terribly long after one such time their dog became quickly unwell and is currently being treated at a local vet.”

Coun Paul Foyster added: “Staff inspected the park for any trace of substances that could be a problem. Nothing was found.

“The signs were put up as a fail safe warning and to deter anyone who may have left something behind during a visit.”

He added residents should keep their dogs on leads on all council green areas except the Carters Park dog exercise area.

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