A previous AGM of the Spalding and Pinchbeck Good Neighbour Scheme.

Can you help Good Neighbours?

A group that aims to help others where its needed are on the look out for new people to get behind it.

The Spalding and Pinchbeck Good Neighbour scheme is recruiting new volunteers and especially people willing to join its committee.

The group meet roughly once a month, often by Zoom, but have recently started using Morrison’s community room.

A spokesman for the Spalding and Pinchbeck Good Neighbours said: “We look at funding, both where we are at present and what else might be available.

“We receive updates on the current performance ie numbers, waiting times etc, consider attendance at future events eg Pinchbeck Carnival, coronation events and any other relevant information.

“No previous community committee experience is needed but we need people who are prepared to share their thoughts and ideas and support ways to help continue to move the organisation forwards, as well those of you who can be more proactive and support the people in the community as well.

“This might mean befriending, small shopping trips, dog walking, form filling and letter writing and many other tasks for anyone across Spalding and Pinchbeck.”

If anyone is interested or requires further information email secretary@spaldinggns.co.uk or telephone 01775 302123 in the first instance.

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