The hall during its redecoration by volunteers in 2014.

Bookings boom at Gedney Dyke Village Hall leads to bid for licensed activities more often

Bookings of Gedney Dyke Village Hall have become so popular that permission is being sought to have licensed activities more often.

Its committee has applied for a variation to the hall’s premises licence so that functions with a bar can be catered in the daytime.
One reason for this is the increasing popularity of the venue for wakes. The opportunity to offer a bar, which is run by the nine-strong committee, is required.

Committee chairman Mary Garrett is Gedney Dyke born and bred, and is delighted to see the Main Street facility really thriving. It follows a spruce up of the hall in April 2014.

“The hall is getting used more and more for parties and wedding functions,” said Mary. “We do our own bar and want to extend the licensed hours of it rather than keep applying for TEN (temporary event notice) licences.
“We’ve got bookings coming in for throughout the year, including 30th and 60th wedding anniversary parties in September. It’s working well.”

In a further boost to the venue, trustees of land to the rear of the hall have offered to transfer a piece to the hall, which will increase its outside space.

The hall is a hive of activity throughout the week, with Adult Youth Club (pool, darts, kurling etc) on Fridays (7pm-midnight) and Crafty Crafters (knitting, sewing and crocheting) on Tuesdays (2pm-4pm) being two of the popular fixtures.
On the first Saturday of each month there’s a coffee morning and book swap, and on the last Saturday of each month a family quiz night (although not this weekend).
And four times a year the committee organises a Country and Western show on a Sunday afternoon. The next one on February 2 features singer Darren Busby and duo Clear Cut.
And on Saturday, April 2, fancy dress is optional at a cowboys and Indians-themed disco.

The application to South Holland District Council seeks permission for functions anytime between 9am on Mondays and 2am on Sundays and between 9am and 11pm on Sundays, and also to serve alcohol for consumption on the premises from 11am to midnight each day.

Comments about the application must be received by the council’s licensing team by Tuesday, February 2.

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