The track as seen from Dam Gate as seen on Google Street View.

Bid to make track an official footpath

Lincolnshire County Council is looking at whether to make a former railway line between Holbeach and Fleet an official footpath.

Campaigners have for a long time attempted to get official status for the path between Dam Gate and Branches Lane.
It would prevent landowners from blocking off the path in the future.
Signs have previously been erected at both ends saying its a ‘private road’ though campaigners say it should be classed as a right of way.
Val Gemmell initially applied for the route to get official footpath status back in 2017.
“I am pleased and relieved to hear that the application to make it an official footpath is under discussion.
“There are now more persons living nearby and greater need for changing this footpath, an old railway line, into a public footpath.
“The general public are under the impression that this route is already a public footpath.
“It is an alternative to avoid walking on the main road between Fleet and Holbeach where there are amenities such as doctors, schools and shops.”

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