The land off St Margarets as seen on Google Street View.

Approval for village homes?

Proposals to build 36 homes in Quadring have been recommended for approval, despite a raft of objections.

The proposal is going before members of South Holland District Council’s planning committee next Wednesday.

The application has been made by Seagate Homes but the district council owns land which would be used for the planned access connection.

The application is a revised version of one submitted previously and includes five affordable dwellings on the site on land off St Margaret’s in the village.

The new application reduces the number of ‘affordable’ units and a ‘pot’ of £68,000. A viability report outlines rising costs and pressure on the site as a result of the current economic climate.

The site is around two-and-a-half acres and the parish council objects to the scheme for a range of reasons, including over-development and the fact it is not identified in the local plan for more residential development.

Objections from the public also say there was a lack of infrastructure to support the size of development.

The Local Plan says Quadring is an area of limited development and the site is outside the boundary, designated as countryside.

But the report says the principle of residential development on the site had been established via previously granted outline consent.

“It is considered on balance that the proposal would not materially harm the character or appearance of the locality or amenity of nearby residents,” says the recommendation.

There are a string of conditions linked with the approval, should it be given by the committee members.

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