South Holland District Council offices.

Application for more than 100 new homes in Holbeach recommended for approval

Controversial plans for more than 100 new homes in Holbeach are being recommended for approval.

Gleeson Regeneration has applied to create 103 new dwellings on land north of Northons Lane and Oakwood Glade in the town.

The development, if approved, would result in more than £500,000 towards primary and secondary school places.

There would also be £68,598 towards primary health care.

But the plan has run into a raft of criticism, including from Holbeach Parish Council which is concerned about pressure on the town’s infrastructure.

“We do not have the capacity in the town for another large housing development. The impact on the already overstretched resources is not acceptable,” says a report due to go before members of South Holland District Council’s planning committee on Wednesday.

A response to the appplication from NHS England syas there will be an impact on Holbeach and Littlebury Medical centres.

“This development would put additional demands on the existing GP services for the area and additional infrastructure would be required,” says the report.

There are also concerns about the impact of traffic access to and from the site.

“Access should only be allowed by linking with the newly-built roundabout and building an additional road/bridge rather than using small, narrow residential routes such as Chestnut Avenue,” said Coun Tracey Carter.

The development would be a mix of detached, semi-detached and terraced homes, ranging from one bedroom flats to four bedroom detached homes.

A total of 18 properties would be for rent while eight would be available for shared ownership.

The site is within the town’s settlement boundary and is part land with an existing housing allocation.

But there have been a raft of objections, from ‘cramped appearance’ to ‘no bungalows’ and two petitions against the move.

South Holland and the Deepings MP Sir John Hayes also objects to the proposal. He quotes ‘extra strain on schools, GP and dental services,’ as well as the impact of traffic.

But members of the committee are being recommended to support the application.

The Holbeach West Sustainable Urban Extension is a mainly greenfield site of around 44 hectares (108 acres) related to the nearby Food Enterprise Zone currently under development.

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