LETTERS – Let’s reduce speeding

Speeding vehicles are a menace of our time.

Every town and village in this country, not just South Holland, has its share of speeding drivers. Some might be just late for an appointment. Others might be persistent offenders giving little regard for the safety of themselves, let alone others.

Pinchbeck Parish Council is being proactive in the fight against speeding drivers.

We already have an interactive speed camera capturing data of all vehicles passing along Spalding Road.

This camera is mobile, and in time will be placed in other locations as might be necessary.

In addition, the parish council has invested in a large number of static 30mph and 40mph printed signs for installation in various locations in and between Pinchbeck and West Pinchbeck.

Evidence suggests this type of repeater signage has a positive impact in reducing speeding.

We may only be a parish council, but we punch above our weight on matters that affect the safety and wellbeing of our residents.

To this end, we plan to share the data we capture with the appropriate authorities, enabling them to engage with us for the purpose of implementing further measures to reduce the incidence of speeding.

James Avery
Chair of Pinchbeck Parish Council

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