Third year running for phone line cut at Hop Pole

A Hop Pole couple are again without a phone service after a lorry hit the telegraph pole outside their house.

It is the third consecutive year that the couple, both in their 70s, have been left with no landline around the same time due to vehicles hitting the pole.

In 2015, a crash left William and Jackie Hall without a phone line for two months. In July 2016, the pole was struck again. The couple contacted The Voice and John Hayes MP in an attempt to avoid the same long wait for repairs, but still had no phone service for almost a month.

Following another crash on Thursday, August 15, they have found themselves again without a phone line.

“I heard the smash and saw a huge lorry drive off,” said Mr Hall.

As in July last year, the telephone line was strewn across the road and Mr Hall cut the cable and tied up both ends to prevent any further accidents.

The couple, who have a mobile phone, have contacted MP John Hayes and said BT Openreach filed a report on Saturday but so far the company had not been able to provide a repair date for the couple.

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