Stacey Smith.

Stacey steps up for charity

A Spalding woman is getting up at 5am every day to walk a few miles to raise money for charity.

Stacey Smith is taking on the Teenage Cancer Trust’s 28 Mile Challenge.
The mum is running two to four miles every day this month to raise funds for the charity.
The Teenage Cancer Trust has staff working and providing advice in 28 hospitals, though Stacey’s already smashed the 28 Mile Challenge.
Just last week she clocked up 37 miles and 75,793 steps.
She’s going to carry on for the rest of the month though.
“I decided to donate for this charity because several people I know have been diagnosed with cancer,” said the HR coordinator for CITB, “Being a parent myself, I couldn’t imagine having to go through such a traumatic experience – if I can raise awareness and funds for this very deserving cause then I will he very happy.”
To donate to Stacey visit

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