LETTERS – Why vote? A great question

Why vote? What a great question…
Voting gives you the choice to vote for your local representatives. If you don’t vote, others get to choose who represents you and will make decisions you may not agree with. It’s that simple.
Voting gives you a say on important issues that might affect you. From housing to leisure, rubbish and recycling collections to local planning. These may not be important issues to you now, but one day they probably will.
I have been a district councillor for the communities of Pinchbeck and Surfleet for several years representing many people on local issues. Working together with Sally Slade and Elizabeth Sneath, we share the ward work, which literally can be anything from a benefits issue to a broken toilet. It’s certainly not glamorous being a district councillor!
And we collaborate on where we spend our designated budgets, ensuring Pinchbeck and Surfleet receive the maximum benefit.
We had two torrid years of COVID. A difficult time helping those that needed it most, whether it was delivering food parcels or simply signposting residents to the right help and support.
On May 4, residents of Pinchbeck and Surfleet have three votes. Judge us on what we’ve achieved and how we’ve performed.
We are well known and trusted within the communities of Pinchbeck and Surfleet and will not let you down.
I ask you, therefore, to place your trust in us and use those three votes for James Avery, Sally Slade and Elizabeth Sneath.

James Avery
Conservative candidate for Pinchbeck and Surfleet

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